About the Office
The Attorney General serves the public interest of all New Yorkers in matters affecting their daily lives, enforcing laws to protect consumers, tenants, patients, workers, investors, and charitable donors. The office coordinates statewide civil and criminal investigations, promoting economic and social justice, encouraging harm-reducing public health strategies, and preserving the state’s environment.
While the Attorney General acts independently of the Governor, the Governor or a state agency may request the Attorney General to undertake specific criminal investigations and prosecutions. The Attorney General's authority also includes the activities and investigations of the Organized Crime Task Force and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.
The office employs over 1,700 staff, including investigators, analysts, scientists, forensic accountants, legal assistants and support staff, and over 700 assistant attorneys general, serving in over two dozen locations across New York state.
Department of Law Divisions
Administration Division
The Administration Division consists of:
- Administrative Services Bureau
- Budget and Fiscal Management Bureau
- Human Resources Management Bureau
- Information Technology Bureau
- Legal Recruitment Bureau
- Legal Education and Professional Development Bureau
- Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Practice Technologies Group
Criminal Justice Division
The Criminal Justice Division consists of:
- Criminal Enforcement and Financial Crimes Bureau
- Investigations
- Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
- Office of Special Investigation
- Organized Crime Task Force
- Public Integrity Bureau
- Real Estate Enforcement Unit
Economic Justice Division
The Economic Justice Division consists of:
- Antitrust Bureau
- Bureau of Internet and Technology
- Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau
- Investor Protection Bureau
- Taxpayer Protection Bureau
Executive Division
The Executive Division consists of:
- Constituent Services Bureau
- Intergovernmental Affairs
- Legislative Affairs
- Managing Attorney's Office
- Press Office
- Public Information and Correspondence Unit
- Records Access Office (Freedom of Information Law (FOIL))
- Research and Analytics Department
Regional Offices Division
The Office of the New York State Attorney General's regional offices help carry out the Attorney General’s essential defensive, regulatory, and affirmative justice functions in every part of the state.
Each regional office handles many functions, which may include:
- representing and defending the state, its officers, and other government agencies in federal and state courts
- handling claims and defensive litigation
- conducting social and economic justice investigations, litigation, and enforcement
- prohibiting discrimination and protecting the rights of consumers, senior citizens, tenants, immigrants, and others
- sponsoring community outreach and education
- mediating consumer-frauds cases
- managing regulatory matters involving charities
- handling Mental Hygiene Law cases
- facilitating Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs)
- enforcing the Cannabis Law
Solicitor General Division
The Solicitor General Division consists of:
- Appeals and Opinions Bureau
- Criminal Appeals and Federal Habeas Corpus Bureau
- Law Library
State Counsel Division
The State Counsel Division consists of:
- Civil Recoveries Bureau
- Claims Bureau
- Litigation Bureau
- Real Property Bureau
- Sex Offender Management Bureau
Social Justice Division
The Social Justice Division consists of: